
CYP2C19-genotype guided antiplatelet tx may be beneficial

(HealthDay)—Patients with a CYP2C19 loss-of-function allele have increased risk of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) with clopidogrel versus alternative antiplatelet therapy after percutaneous coronary intervention ...

Oncology & Cancer

Wearable radiation safety devices offer some protection

(HealthDay)—Leaded glasses can offer some radiation protection of the ocular lenses, while a radioabsorbent surgical cap offers minimal protection of the brain, according to a study published in the March 13 issue of JACC: ...


Chest pain prior to a heart attack can protect the heart

Patients who experience chest pain in the 24 hours preceding a heart attack, also called preinfarction angina, have smaller heart attacks and improved cardiac function in the contemporary cardiac stenting era, researchers ...


Stroke risk higher after bypass than angioplasty: analysis

(HealthDay News) -- The potential for a stroke is far more common after a bypass than after angioplasty, new research reports, even though the risk after either heart procedure is still relatively low.


Mobile device to provide instant diagnosis of heart diseases

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) continue to be a leading cause of death. According to the World Health Organization, more people die annually from CVDs than from any other cause. Since their diagnosis might require specialised ...

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