
Female heart disease patients with female physicians fare better

Female physicians have better patient outcomes compared with their male peers, while female patients are less likely to receive guideline-recommended care when treated by a male physician, according to a systematic review ...


Maltreatment tied to higher inflammation in girls

New research by a University of Georgia scientist reveals that girls who are maltreated show higher levels of inflammation at an early age than boys who are maltreated or children who have not experienced abuse. This finding ...


Breast cancer medication risk

New research led by Flinders University has found a link between beta-blockers and survival outcomes in some breast cancer patients.


Impact of psoriasis explored for hospital outcomes of acute MI

(HealthDay)—Myocardial infarction (MI) events may occur earlier in life in patients with psoriasis, which in turn may affect hospital outcomes, according to a study published online Sept. 11 in the Journal of the American ...


Hyperglycemia common in T1DM patients with COVID-19

(HealthDay)—Presentation patterns are similar in patients with type 1 diabetes admitted with confirmed or suspected COVID-19, according to a study published online June 5 in Diabetes Care.


Heart disease risk up for first-time mothers with preeclampsia

(HealthDay)—First-time mothers with preeclampsia are at a higher risk for adverse cardiovascular outcomes, including myocardial infarction, stroke, and cardiovascular death, according to a study recently published in the ...

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