
Race influences how anger impacts cardiovascular health

Hostility and anger have been shown to be bad for us, particularly for our cardiovascular health, but a new University of Michigan study finds that it may not be an equal threat across all groups.


Kids continue to consume too much salt, putting them at risk

Cardiovascular disease, including heart disease and stroke, kills more than 800,000 Americans each year. We know that too much salt may contribute to high blood pressure and increased cardiovascular risk. According to a new ...


Q&A: Food scientist explains the health benefits of chocolate

As Valentine's Day approaches, the mind naturally turns to love—and chocolate. To learn more about chocolate and its effects on us, we spoke with Joshua Lambert, professor of food science at Penn State. Lambert's research ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Bi-polar patients 'undertreated' for common physical health problems

(Medical Xpress)—Those diagnosed with bi-polar are more likely than the general population to be under-treated for common physical health problems like high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease, according to new research.

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