Medical economics

Employment of nurses decreased early in COVID-19 pandemic

(HealthDay)—Employment of nurses decreased early in the COVID-19 pandemic, then rebounded in most sectors, apart from nursing homes, according to a study published in the January issue of Health Affairs.


Care for caregivers

(HealthDay)—Many of us will care for a parent at some point in our lives. If you're shopping or cooking for Mom or taking Dad to doctor visits, you're already a caregiver.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Care home workers suffer COVID trauma, anxiety: study

Nearly half of care home workers in northern Italy may be suffering from post-traumatic stress or anxiety following the first wave of the pandemic, new research showed Wednesday.


Could your false teeth give you pneumonia?

For their study, now published in the Journal of Medical Microbiology, researchers from Cardiff University, UK, began by taking mouth, tongue and denture swabs from a group of patients in hospital who had pneumonia and wore ...

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