
Physicians should not prescribe ADD drugs to healthy people

Physicians in Canada should consider refusing to prescribe cognitive enhancement medications—also used to treat attention deficit disorder (ADD)—to healthy patients, states an analysis article in CMAJ (Canadian Medical ...

Oncology & Cancer

Q&A: Breast cancer screening and COVID-19

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: During a breast self-exam two months ago, I felt a lump. This month, the lump seems to have disappeared. My cousin, who had breast cancer, is suggesting I get it checked anyways. I'm nervous to go to the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

A shorter IQ test for children with special needs

For decades, neuropsychologists have used the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children test as the gold-standard intelligence quotient (IQ) test to determine the intellectual abilities of children with special needs. However, ...

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