Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Singapore strategy of living with COVID raises concern, hope

Living through the coronavirus pandemic in Singapore, Joys Tan followed the rules that helped the city-state keep its cases low: keeping her distance from others, wearing a mask and getting herself vaccinated.


Less reaction to DTaP vaccine given in kids' thighs than arms

Children age 12 to 35 months who receive DTaP vaccine in their thigh muscle rather than their arm are around half as likely to be brought in for medical attention for an injection-site reaction. So says a new study of 1.4 ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The ironic (and surprising) effects of weight stigma

If you're one of the millions of people who count losing weight among their top New Year's resolutions, you might want to pay careful attention to some new findings by UC Santa Barbara psychology professor Brenda Major.


Watchdog slams safeguards for foster kids on psych drugs

Thousands of foster children may be getting powerful psychiatric drugs prescribed to them without basic safeguards, says a federal watchdog agency that found a failure to care for youngsters whose lives have already been ...

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