Alzheimer's disease & dementia

One type of dementia is especially costly

(HealthDay)—A type of early onset dementia known as frontotemporal degeneration appears to take an even more punishing toll on family finances than Alzheimer's disease, a new report suggests.


Intelligent sensor informs you to change a diaper via SMS

Diapers could soon come with a sensor that alerts caregivers by SMS when the diapers are soiled. Researchers from the Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (IBN) of A*STAR have invented an "intelligent continence ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

'Look at me' toddlers eager to collaborate and learn

Parents should think twice before brushing off their child's calls to "look at me!" A Concordia study published in the journal Child Development is the first to show that toddlers' expectations of how their parent will respond ...

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