
Eat more vegetables for a healthy glow

(Medical Xpress)—Research published in the Royal Society journal Biology Letters has found that yellower skin tones resulting from a fruit and vegetable rich diet can make us more attractive. 

Medical research

Changes in the gut bacteria protect against stroke

(Medical Xpress)—Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg demonstrate that an altered gut microbiota in humans is associated with symptomatic atherosclerosis and stroke. These findings ...


Study finds snacking on carrots boosts phytonutrients

A new study found that eating a snack of baby carrots just three times a week significantly increased skin carotenoids in young adults. Levels of these phytonutrients were boosted even more when this healthy snack was combined ...


Lutein may suppress inflammation

Lutein, a nutrient found in several highly coloured vegetables and fruits, can suppress inflammation, according to a new study by researchers at Linköping University, Sweden. The results, published in Atherosclerosis, suggest ...


Carrots do help aging eyes, study shows

(HealthDay)—Your parents may have told you, "Eat your carrots, they're good for your eyes," and a new study suggests they were on to something.


Carotenoid levels in breast milk vary by country, diet

A Purdue University-led analysis of breast milk concludes that levels of health-promoting compounds known as carotenoids differ by country, with the U.S. lagging behind China and Mexico, a reflection of regional dietary habits.

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