
New pill treats diabetic cats without daily insulin shots

When Mark Winternheimer's 12-year-old tabby cat was diagnosed with diabetes last year, the treatment was daunting: twice-daily injections of insulin, an implanted monitor and frequent visits to the vet.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Seoul launches Covid tests for pets

Pet cats and dogs with a fever, cough or breathing difficulties will be offered coronavirus tests if they have been exposed to carriers, the Seoul metropolitan government said Monday.

Medical research

Origin of the COVID-19 virus: The trail of mink farming

On January 14, a team of international experts commissioned by the World Health Organization arrived in China for a three-week mission with the aim of visiting Wuhan to meet Chinese scientists and help to pinpoint the origin ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

In rare cases, your cat can give you COVID

The first reported case of a cat giving COVID-19 to a person shouldn't alarm pet owners, but a Canadian expert says it's a reminder to take precautions.

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