
Race, ethnicity influence fracture risk in people with diabetes

Caucasians and Hispanics with diabetes have a greater risk of fracture compared to those without diabetes, while African Americans with diabetes have little to no additional fracture risk, according to a study to be presented ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How 'weight bias' is harming us all

People who live in large bodies find themselves the target of fat-phobic and body shaming messages on a daily basis.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Racial differences in Alzheimer's disease unveiled

African-Americans may be twice as likely as Caucasian Americans to develop Alzheimer's disease, but nobody knows why because studies investigating the underlying causes of illness have historically drawn from a nearly all-white ...

Attention deficit disorders

African-American mothers rate boys higher for ADHD

African-American children often are reported by parents and teachers to display behaviors of ADHD at a higher rate than children from other racial and ethnic groups. For the first time, researchers have found that African-American ...

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