
Memory making involves extensive DNA breaking

The urgency to remember a dangerous experience requires the brain to make a series of potentially dangerous moves: Neurons and other brain cells snap open their DNA in numerous locations—more than previously realized, according ...


Saturated fatty acid levels increase when making memories

Saturated fatty acid levels unexpectedly rise in the brain during memory formation, according to University of Queensland research, opening a new avenue of investigation into how memories are made.


Controlled scar formation in the brain

When the brain suffers injury or infection, glial cells surrounding the affected site act to preserve the brain's sensitive nerve cells and prevent excessive damage. A team of researchers from Charité - Universitätsmedizin ...

Oncology & Cancer

How cancer cells escape crowded tumors

Like people, cells in the human body protect their personal space. They seem to know how much space they need, and if it gets too tight, most cells prefer to break free. The mechanism enabling cells to evade crowded environments ...


VAV1 gene mutations trigger T-cell tumors in mice

Life is an exquisite orchestration of growth and change, with checks and balances that fine-tune complex entwined interactions, both intrinsic and external. White blood cells (WBC) are integral to an organism's immune defenses ...

Medical research

Making bones is less difficult than was previously thought

The way in which bone formation occurs needs to be redefined. This was revealed by Radboud university medical center researchers and their colleagues in a publication in Nature Communications. It turns out that bone formation ...


Self-assembled particle gel for promoting blood vessel formation

NIMS has developed a low-cost self-assembled particle-based injectable gel for promoting blood vessel formation—a regenerative medicine process vital in cell and tissue transplantation. This material may be used as an effective, ...

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