Scientists see an ultra-fast movement on surface of HIV virus

As the HIV virus glides up outside a human cell to dock and possibly inject its deadly cargo of genetic code, there's a spectacularly brief moment in which a tiny piece of its surface snaps open to begin the process of infection.

Medical research

The Big Pore Theory could cure chronic pain

Cornell University researchers have produced for the first time an image of P2X7, a receptor associated with chronic pain. Visualizing the shape of the receptor has also allowed them to make a second groundbreaking discovery: ...


Conducting how neurons fire

Contrary to expectations that the neurotransmitter GABA only inhibited neuronal firing in the adult brain, RIKEN-led research has shown that it can also excite interneurons in the hippocampus of the rat brain by changing ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Astrocyte findings suggest new options against Alzheimer's

A study by scientists of the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) points to a potential approach against Alzheimer's disease. In studies with mice, the researchers were able to show that blocking a particular ...

Oncology & Cancer

Skp2 activates cancer-promoting, glucose-processing Akt

HER2 and its epidermal growth factor receptor cousins mobilize a specialized protein to activate a major player in cancer development and sugar metabolism, scientists report in the May 25 issue of Cell.

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