
Keto diet protects optic nerve in glaucoma mouse model

Switching mice destined to develop glaucoma to a low carbohydrate, high fat diet protects the cells of the retina and their connections to the brain from degeneration, according to research published in JNeurosci. The study ...


How sugar promotes inflammation

People who consume sugar and other carbohydrates in excess over a long period of time have an increased risk of developing an autoimmune disease. In affected patients, the immune system attacks the body's own tissue and the ...

Medical research

Newly discovered hormone mimics the effects of exercise

Scientists at the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology have discovered a new hormone that fights the weight gain caused by a high-fat Western diet and normalizes the metabolism - effects commonly associated with exercising.


Genetic disease healed using genome editing

Parents of newborns may be familiar with the metabolic disorder phenylketonuria—in Switzerland, all newborn babies are screened for this genetic disease. Children found to have phenylketonuria need a special diet so that ...

Oncology & Cancer

Lung cancer resistance: the key is glucose

Cancers are not only made of tumor cells. In fact, as they grow, they develop an entire cellular ecosystem within and around them. This "tumor microenvironment" is made up of multiple cell types, including cells of the immune ...

Medical research

Stronger bones thanks to heat and microbiota

Osteoporosis, a bone disease linked to aging, is characterized by a loss of bone density, micro-architectural deterioration of the bones and an increased risk of fractures. With one third of postmenopausal women affected, ...

Medical research

Scientists discover switch that turns white fat brown

Scientists have discovered a biological switch that gives energy-storing white fat the characteristics of energy-burning brown fat. The findings could lead to new strategies for treating obesity.

Oncology & Cancer

Fundamental cancer metabolism dogma revisited

A new paper in Nature Communications reveals new insights into adaptations made by cancer cells to rewire their metabolism to achieve growth and survive. Among the discoveries include a challenge to a well-known feature in ...

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