Oncology & Cancer

Starving cancer cells by blocking their metabolism

Scientists at EPFL have found a way to starve liver cancer cells by blocking a protein that is required for glutamine breakdown—while leaving normal cells intact. The discovery opens new ways to treat liver cancer.

Oncology & Cancer

New family of small RNAs boosts cell proliferation in cancer

Since their discovery in the 1950s, transfer RNAs (tRNAs) have been best known for their role in helping the cell make proteins from messenger RNA templates. However, recent studies have led to a previously-unsuspected concept ...

Oncology & Cancer

New study describes cancer's cheating ways

Cancer cells share certain traits with anti-social members of human society. They shirk community responsibilities and engage in behavior aimed at fulfilling their selfish needs at the expense of the greater good.

Oncology & Cancer

Putting the brakes on cancer

A study led by the University of Dundee, in collaboration with researchers at our University, has uncovered an important role played by a tumour suppressor gene, helping scientists to better understand how it combats the ...

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