Medical research

Anti-ageing drugs are coming – an expert explains

There will be almost 10 billion people living on Earth by 2050 and 2 billion of them will be over the age of 60. Growing old is the primary risk factor for multiple chronic and life threatening conditions such as diabetes ...

Medical research

Deleting dysfunctional cells alleviates diabetes

Eliminating old, dysfunctional cells in human fat also alleviates signs of diabetes, researchers from UConn Health report. The discovery could lead to new treatments for Type 2 diabetes and other metabolic diseases.

Medical research

Researchers extend lifespan by as much as 35 percent in mice

Researchers at Mayo Clinic have shown that senescent cells - cells that no longer divide and accumulate with age - negatively impact health and shorten lifespan by as much as 35 percent in normal mice. The results, which ...

Medical research

As cells age, the fat content within them shifts

As cells age and stop dividing, their fat content changes, along with the way they produce and break down fat and other molecules classified as lipids, according to a new University at Buffalo study.

Medical research

Chronic inflammation causes a reduction in NAD+

NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), a key metabolite central to an efficient and healthy metabolism, declines with age. This previously unexplained phenomena is associated with numerous age-related diseases and has ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Stressed, toxic, zombie cells seen for first time in Alzheimer's

A type of cellular stress known to be involved in cancer and aging has now been implicated, for the first time, in Alzheimer's disease. UT Health San Antonio faculty researchers reported the discovery Monday [August 20, 2018] ...

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