Medical research

Pungent ginger compound puts immune cells on heightened alert

Ginger has a reputation for stimulating the immune system. New results from the Leibniz Institute for Food Systems Biology at the Technical University of Munich (Leibniz-LSB@TUM) now support this thesis. In laboratory tests, ...

Inflammatory disorders

Gut inflammation found to be caused by substance secreted by microbe

The human gut—or gastrointestinal system—where food is broken down into nutrients for the body, is an ecosystem that harbors thousands of bacteria species. While some microorganisms are harmful, many are beneficial and ...

Oncology & Cancer

Drug turns cancer gene into 'eat me' flag for immune system

Tumor cells are notoriously good at evading the human immune system; they put up physical walls, wear disguises and handcuff the immune system with molecular tricks. Now, UC San Francisco researchers have developed a drug ...

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