Oncology & Cancer

Researchers combat prostate cancer at cellular level

Florida International University scientists are battling prostate cancer at the cellular level. Researchers from FIU's Biomolecular Sciences Institute (BSI) believe they can eradicate prostate cancer that returns in patients ...

Oncology & Cancer

Finding keys to glioblastoma therapeutic resistance

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have found one of the keys to why certain glioblastomas – the primary form of a deadly brain cancer – are resistant to drug therapy. The answer ...

Oncology & Cancer

Enhancement of chemotherapy by prevention of tumor cell repair

Chemotherapies are cancer treatments that work by inducing lesions in the DNA of tumour cells in order to inhibit their proliferation. However, the body naturally tries to repair these lesions, and thus reduces the efficacy ...

Oncology & Cancer

Critical pathway in cell cycle may lead to cancer development

A team of scientists at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies has identified why disruption of a vital pathway in cell cycle control leads to the proliferation of cancer cells. Their findings on telomeres, the stretches ...

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