Oncology & Cancer

Cervical cancer: DNA-based test more accurate than repeat smear

In women who have a potentially or mildly abnormal cervical smear, using a DNA-based test can identify those at higher risk of having precursors of cervical cancer, according to a new Cochrane Systematic Review. The authors ...

Oncology & Cancer

HPV test beats pap long-term: study

(HealthDay) -- Testing for HPV, the human papillomavirus linked to cervical cancer, can predict which women will stay cancer-free for a decade or more, a new study shows.

Oncology & Cancer

HPV testing: Indications of a benefit in primary screening

Studies currently available provide indications and a "hint" that precursors of cervical cancer can be detected and treated earlier, and consequently tumours occur less often, in women who underwent testing for human papillomavirus ...


Cervical smears can be humiliating and stressful, study says

Women's personal testimonies of cervical smear testing in the UK show that their experiences are often far from positive, says a new study from the University of Leicester published today in the international journal Family ...

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