
Smoking has long-term impact on peripheral artery disease risk

Both duration and intensity of smoking have a long-term impact on the risk for three major atherosclerotic diseases: peripheral artery disease (PAD), coronary heart disease (CHD), and stroke, according to a study published ...


Diabetes drug could help smokers kick the habit

Phillip Robinson has gone from 10 cigarettes a day to one or two every other day after enrolling in a smoking cessation clinical trial launched by researchers at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth). ...


Over-the-counter meds save health care system money

(HealthDay)—On average, each dollar spent on over-the-counter (OTC) medicines saves the U.S. health care system $7.20, totaling nearly $146 billion in annual savings, according to a report released March 18 by the Consumer ...

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