Psychology & Psychiatry

Bilingual children are better at recognizing voices

Bilingual children are better than their monolingual peers at perceiving information about who is talking, including recognizing voices, according to a study by NYU's Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development.

Psychology & Psychiatry

What is positive psychology, and how can you use it for yourself?

Many people have probably heard the term "positive psychology", but know little about what it means in practice. Positive psychology aims to find ways to make life better for people, and ensure they're the most mentally healthy ...


Kids' characters to vanish from unhealthy Dutch foods

Famous children's characters such as Dora the Explorer may soon disappear from some commercial food packaging in The Netherlands to discourage unhealthy eating habits, food industry representatives said Thursday.

Psychology & Psychiatry

What makes a good horror movie?

Like them or hate them horror films are big business and a string of new horror films are hitting the big screen this year. But what creates the intensity of suspense? And was Alfred Hitchcock – the master of suspense - ...

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