Medical research

Fasting ramps up human metabolism, study shows

Fasting may help people lose weight, but new research suggests going without food may also boost human metabolic activity, generate antioxidants, and help reverse some effects of aging. Scientists at the Okinawa Institute ...


Laws of nature predict cancer evolution

Cancers evolve over time in patterns governed by the same natural laws that drive physical and chemical processes as diverse as the flow of rivers or the brightness of stars, a new study reports.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Is dopamine to blame for our addictions?

Most researchers agree that the key difference between human brains and those of other animals is the size and complexity of our cerebral cortex, the brain's outer layer of neural tissue. We therefore tend to focus our attention ...

Oncology & Cancer

New approach to ID chemicals that raise risk of breast cancer

A study published today in Environmental Health Perspectives outlines a new method for assessing how synthetic chemicals and pollutants may contribute to breast cancer risk. In addition to developing the chemical testing ...

Oncology & Cancer

Video: Why cells turn cancerous

Cancer - about one in three Europeans is confronted with this diagnosis during their lifetime. Scientists at the German Cancer Research Center DKFZ in Heidelberg are investigating the development of cancerous cells to find ...

Medical research

'Molecular flashlight' illuminates brain tumors in mice

In a breakthrough that could have wide-ranging applications in molecular medicine, Stanford University researchers have created a bioengineered peptide that enables imaging of medulloblastomas, among the most devastating ...

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