
Saving the day

The kiss of life can literally be the difference between life or death for someone who has stopped breathing. If the patient's heart has stopped as well, circulation of oxygenated blood can be maintained by external chest ...


First aid training for primary students has long-term benefits

"When children are given professional first aid training at primary school, the benefits can be felt long term. That's why training in the early years is so incredibly important," says Fritz Sterz from the University Department ...


Kneeling posture impacts chest compressions' effectiveness

(HealthDay)—During cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) performed by males, self-adjusted and nearest kneeling postures are more effective for chest compression, with lower perceived exertion, according to a study published ...


Bystanders less likely to give women CPR: research

Bystanders are less likely to give life-saving CPR to women having a cardiac arrest in public than men, leading to more women dying from the common health emergency, researchers said Monday.

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