Psychology & Psychiatry

The secrets of Ireland's psychiatric hospitals

Mother and baby homes were institutions where unmarried women were sent to have their babies, often arriving destitute having been denied support by the child's father, and even their own family, simply for falling pregnant ...


How the American child welfare system lost its way

Black children are removed from their families at much greater rates than any other race or ethnicity in this country. At the same time the sheer number of all child abuse investigations in the US is staggering: experts estimate ...


Survivors of child abuse twice as likely to die young

Globally the statistics are daunting. Across countries and communities between 15 and 50 per cent of children are subject to serious abuse and neglect within their own families, most often at the hands of a parent.


COVID-19 lockdowns drive spike in online child abuse

Out-of-school kids and adult predators spending more time at home and on the internet during the coronavirus pandemic is the "perfect storm" driving a spike in online child sex abuse around the world, activists and police ...

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