
Know the signs of child abuse

(HealthDay)—A report of child abuse is made every 10 seconds in the United States, and more than 1,600 children die each year from abuse or neglect, an expert says.


US babies learn 'self-rescue' from drowning

Some see it as a potential life-saver, others as tantamount to child abuse: controversy is brewing in the United States over "self-rescue" classes to prevent babies from drowning.


What are chronophilias?

Mr. Smith was a 27-year-old man referred for psychological treatment after sexually offending against a 13-year-old boy. He initially denied the charge, but eventually admitted to sexually abusing multiple youth. He later ...


COVID-19 lockdowns drive spike in online child abuse

Out-of-school kids and adult predators spending more time at home and on the internet during the coronavirus pandemic is the "perfect storm" driving a spike in online child sex abuse around the world, activists and police ...

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