
Malnutrition kills over 3 million toddlers a year: UN

More than three million children under the age of five die annually of malnutrition, the UN food agency and World Health Organisation said on Thursday, urging governments to tackle the problem.


Beware of heatstroke danger for children

With warmer weather on its way, there is an increasing risk of children left alone in vehicles succumbing to heatstroke, said Bev Kellner, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service passenger safety specialist, College Station.


Canada pledges Can$3.5 bn for maternal, child health

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper pledged Can$3.5 billion Thursday for immunization, better nutrition and the introduction of birth certificates in developing nations to improve the health of mothers and children.


Somalia worst place to be a mother

Somalia is the worst country on Earth to be a mother, according to a report published by Save the Children on Monday which calls for more action to protect mothers and children in crisis-hit areas.


Maternal deaths on the rise in the United States

The United States is among just eight countries in the world to experience an increase in maternal mortality since 2003 – joining Afghanistan and countries in Africa and Central America, according to a new study by the ...

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