Psychology & Psychiatry

Tracking the impact of early abuse and neglect

Children who experience abuse and neglect early in life are more likely to have problems in social relationships and underachieve academically as adults.


Combatting 'disinformation' about child abuse

Children need nurturing, attention to health and basic needs, safety and appropriate supervision. Child abuse and neglect, also called "child maltreatment," too often endanger the health, well-being and even lives of children.


US child welfare system could save $12 billion, improve outcomes

Striking a better balance between programs to prevent child maltreatment and services for those who have already suffered from abuse could improve long-term outcomes for children and reduce child welfare system costs in the ...


One in three children investigated for abuse/neglect by 18

The first academic study to estimate the cumulative lifetime risk of a child maltreatment investigation, completed by researchers at the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis, reveals that 37 percent of U.S. ...

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