Psychology & Psychiatry

Childhood abuse raises drug users' suicide risk

For health professionals, the message from a new study in the American Journal of Public Health is clear: Asking patients about a history of childhood abuse can directly help assess their risk of attempting suicide. The evidence, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Changes in brain structure found after childhood abuse

(Medical Xpress)—Different forms of childhood abuse increase the risk for mental illness as well as sexual dysfunction in adulthood, but little has been known about how that happens. An international team of researchers, ...

Overweight & Obesity

Childhood abuse linked with food addiction in adult women

Women who experienced severe physical or sexual abuse during childhood are much more likely to have a food addiction as adults than women who did not experience such abuse, according to a new study published in the journal ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Traumatized moms avoid tough talks with kids, study shows

(Medical Xpress)—Mothers who have experienced childhood abuse, neglect or other traumatic experiences show an unwillingness to talk with their children about the child's emotional experiences, a new study from the University ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Women abused as children more likely to have children with autism

Women who experienced physical, emotional, or sexual abuse as children are more likely to have a child with autism than women who were not abused, according to a new study from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH). Those ...

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