
Depression during pregnancy linked to child's asthma risk

(HealthDay)—A child may face an increased risk of asthma if the child's mother experienced depression during her pregnancy or she took an older antidepressant to treat her condition, new research suggests.


Causal link between antibiotics and childhood asthma dismissed

In a new register study in the scientific journal BMJ, researchers at Karolinska Institutet are able to dismiss previous claims that there is a link between the increased use of antibiotics in society and a coinciding rise ...


Telephone coaches improve children's asthma treatment

Managing childhood asthma is difficult. Rather than giving daily medications—even when children feel well—many parents treat asthma only when symptoms become severe. This practice can lead to missed school days, trips ...

Sleep disorders

Surgery for sleep apnea improves asthma control

Surgical removal of the tonsils and adenoids in children suffering from sleep apnea is associated with decreased asthma severity, according to the first large study of the connection, published in the journal PLOS Medicine.

Inflammatory disorders

Phthalates heighten risk for childhood asthma

Researchers at the Columbia Center for Children's Environmental Health at the Mailman School of Public Health are the first to demonstrate an association between childhood asthma and prenatal exposure to two phthalates used ...


For kids with both asthma and obesity, which came first?

For years, doctors have known that there is a link between childhood obesity and asthma, but have found it difficult to determine which condition tends to come first, or whether one causes the other.


Maternal gestational weight tied to offspring's asthma risk

(HealthDay)—Maternal obesity in pregnancy (MOP) and high maternal gestational weight gain (GWG) are associated with an elevated risk of childhood asthma, according to a review published online July 21 in Pediatrics.

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