Psychology & Psychiatry

When can ads intensify unhealthy cravings?

The obesity epidemic is no longer strictly an American problem. Statistics suggest that many populations around the world are increasingly prone to overeating and excessive weight gain.


Chocolate and caffeine may boost cognitive, motor skills

A chocolate bar might help you negotiate your next business deal, say Clarkson University researchers who are teaming up for a series of studies on the effects of caffeine, cocoa and dark chocolate on cognitive function and ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Narrow misses can propel us toward other rewards and goals

Whether it's being outbid at the last second in an online auction or missing the winning lottery number by one digit, we often come so close to something we can "almost taste it" only to lose out in the end. These "near wins" ...


Eat dark chocolate to beat the midday slump, study says

Larry Stevens eats a piece of high-cacao content chocolate every afternoon, which is in part because he has developed a taste for the unsweetened dark chocolate. It's also because research shows that it lowers blood pressure ...


Polyphenols could yield small benefit for people with PAD

In a small study, people with artery problems in their legs walked a little longer and farther when they ate dark chocolate – a food rich in polyphenols, according to new research in Journal of the American Heart Association.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Tidy desk or messy desk? Each has its benefits

Working at a clean and prim desk may promote healthy eating, generosity, and conventionality, according to new research. But, the research also shows that a messy desk may confer its own benefits, promoting creative thinking ...

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