
Blocking hyperinflammatory response by repurposing a cancer drug

As we've seen during the COVID-19 pandemic, serious infections sometimes trigger an excessive inflammatory reaction that does as much harm—or more—than the infection itself. New research at Boston Children's Hospital ...

Oncology & Cancer

A gearbox for tumor cell identity changes

Cancer cells can experience stress. They have to contend with attacks by the immune system or with anti-cancer therapeutics. If they attempt to colonize other tissues, they have to break away from the extracellular matrix, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Scientists discover roles for a cellular motor in cancer

Utah scientists have discovered new functions of a key cellular machine that regulates gene packaging and is mutated in 20% of human cancers. The study was published in print today in the journal Molecular Cell.

Medical research

New study advances understanding of rare sarcoma

Advancing the understanding of synovial sarcoma, a highly aggressive and rare cancer of young people, scientists at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute have discovered how an abnormal protein misdirects and disrupts the control ...

Oncology & Cancer

Gene-controlling mechanisms play key role in cancer progression

As cancer cells evolve, many of their genes become overactive while others are turned down. These genetic changes can help tumors grow out of control and become more aggressive, adapt to changing conditions, and eventually ...

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