Medical research

Better reporting of harm needed in clinical trials

Clinical trials are critical to understanding the benefits of new treatments and medical therapies, but researchers say people who design and run clinical trials need to lift their game when it comes to recording and reporting ...


Back pain: 84% increase in treatment success rate

If a therapy for chronic back pain is tailored specifically to a patient's individual requirements, the chances of success are far greater than with standard forms of treatment. Accompanied by a psychotherapeutic procedure ...

Arthritis & Rheumatism

How do I know if I need a cortisone shot?

If you're an athlete prone to overuse injuries or if you have a chronic condition like arthritis, chances are you've had a cortisone injection—or at least discussed the treatment with your medical provider.

Psychology & Psychiatry

AI could help patients with chronic pain avoid opioids

Cognitive behavioral therapy is an effective alternative to opioid painkillers for managing chronic pain. But getting patients to complete those programs is challenging, especially because psychotherapy often requires multiple ...

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