
VAT fat may cause pathogenic obesity

Type-2 (adult-onset) diabetes and other diseases related to the obesity epidemic depend on how the body stores excess energy, according to evolutionary biologist Mary Jane West-Eberhard, emeritus scientist at the Smithsonian ...

Medical research

Chronic inflammation causes a reduction in NAD+

NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), a key metabolite central to an efficient and healthy metabolism, declines with age. This previously unexplained phenomena is associated with numerous age-related diseases and has ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Deconstructing the mechanics of bone marrow disease

Fibrosis is the thickening of various tissues caused by the deposition of fibrillar extracellular matrix (ECM) in tissues and organs as part of the body's wound healing response to various forms of damage. When accompanied ...


Discovery reveals blocking inflammation may lead to chronic pain

Using anti-inflammatory drugs and steroids to relieve pain could increase the chances of developing chronic pain, according to researchers from McGill University and colleagues in Italy. Their research puts into question ...


A new approach against chronic inflammation

The cells in our body have a sophisticated alarm system, the inflammasome. Its central component is the so-called ASC protein. In the event of danger, such as an attack by a pathogen, many of these molecules join together ...


A coming wave of diabetes? The link with COVID-19

Researchers are observing a new long-term health concern in patients hospitalized with COVID-19—an increase in new-onset hyperglycemia lasting months after infection. An Italian study found that about half of the patients ...

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