
A sleep-deprived brain interprets impressions negatively

A sleepless night not only leaves us fatigued and distracted, it also makes us interpret things more negatively and makes us more likely to lose our temper. Moreover, people suffering from a pollen allergy are at a high risk ...

Medical research

How chronic pain threatens a good night's sleep

Ask anyone who is in pain how their much-needed sleep was, and there's a good chance they will say it was not great. And, it appears they may not be too far off as chronic pain and poor sleep can become a vicious cycle, according ...


How to sleep soundly in spite of the time change

Twice a year, Albertans reset their clocks for daylight saving time and begin the more difficult task of resetting their internal clock as well. While daylight saving time has been accepted for decades by most Canadians, ...


In women, even mild sleep problems may raise blood pressure

It is well known that chronic sleep deprivation can affect cardiovascular health. But according to a new study from Columbia University Irving Medical Center, even mild sleep problems, such as having trouble falling asleep, ...


Napping and teenage learning

Teenagers and sleep. It's certainly a passionate subject for many American parents, and those in China. University of Delaware's Xiaopeng Ji is investigating the relationship between midday-napping behaviors and neurocognitive ...


Expert says sleep is essential on road trips

Road trips are a summer tradition for many families, but some are so focused on reaching their final destination that drivers tend to ignore their bodies' need for sleep. However, Baylor College of Medicine's Dr. Philip Alapat ...

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