Medical research

Epigenetic clock predicts life expectancy

UCLA geneticist Steve Horvath led a team of 65 scientists in seven countries to record age-related changes to human DNA, calculate biological age and estimate a person's lifespan. A higher biological age—regardless of chronological ...

Oncology & Cancer

Blood cancer treatment may age immune cells as much as 30 years

Certain cancer treatments are known to take a toll on patients, causing side effects like fatigue, nausea and hair loss. Now, scientists are investigating whether some treatments can cause another long-term side effect: premature ...


Organ 'biological age' could predict transplant success

Factors regulating the biological age of a transplanted kidney (miles on the clock ) as opposed to the chronological age (calendar years) are key to determining how well it will work after transplantation, a new study has ...


Early warning gene signature for Alzheimer's

A 'gene signature' that could be used to predict the onset of diseases, such as Alzheimer's, years in advance has been developed in research published in the open access journal Genome Biology.

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