
Glance: US smoking over 50 years

Some key events and adult smoking rates in the fight over tobacco during the last 50 years in the U.S.:


Big tobacco snubs health warning law in Indonesia (Update)

Tobacco companies have largely snubbed an Indonesian law requiring them to put graphic health warnings on all cigarette packs, another setback for anti-smoking efforts in a country that's home to the world's highest rate ...


Lebanon smoking ban takes effect, sparking anger

A smoking ban in all closed public spaces, including coffee shops, restaurants and bars, went into force in Lebanon on Monday under new legislation that promises hefty fines for lawbreakers.


Australia slams 'sick joke' cigarette packs

Australia slammed as a "sick joke" Wednesday new cigarette packs on sale as part of the national phase-in to plain packaging which play on drab branding and claim it's "what's on the inside that counts."

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