
Experts propose strategies to reduce, end tobacco use

What would it take to end tobacco use once and for all? This is the question several scholars, scientists and policy experts address in a provocative series of articles on various strategies for eliminating tobacco use, if ...


Contraband tobacco use hinders smoking cessation

People who smoke low-cost contraband cigarettes in Canada are less likely to stop smoking in the short term compared with people who smoke more expensive premium or discount cigarettes, according to a study published in CMAJ ...


Teen smoking has fallen across most of U.S.

(HealthDay)—A significant decline in cigarette smoking took place among U.S. kids aged 12 to 17 between 2002 and 2010 in 41 states, according to a new federal government report.


Report: State tobacco prevention funding lacking

(AP) -- States have spent only about 3 percent of the billions they've received in tobacco taxes and legal settlements over the last decade to fund tobacco prevention programs, making it harder to reduce the death and disease ...


States' efforts to boost cigarette taxes slows: CDC

(HealthDay) -- Although eight states boosted their sales taxes on cigarettes over the past two years, that's a decline in the number of such increases by states compared to 2009, a new report from the U.S. Centers for Disease ...


WHO chief accuses 'big tobacco' of dirty tricks

The World Health Organization's chief on Monday urged governments to unite against "big tobacco", as she accused the industry of dirty tricks, bullying and immorality in its quest to keep people smoking.


WHO praises Brazil lawsuit against tobacco giants

The World Health Organization has praised Brazil's move to sue two global cigarette makers and their local units for costs of treating tobacco-related diseases, but the firms said Friday they were still waiting for details ...

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