Psychology & Psychiatry

Staying awake—the surprisingly effective way to treat depression

The first sign that something is happening is Angelina's hands. As she chats to the nurse in Italian, she begins to gesticulate, jabbing, moulding and circling the air with her fingers. As the minutes pass and Angelina becomes ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Twitter can reveal our shared mood

In the largest study of its kind, researchers from the University of Bristol have analysed mood indicators in text from 800 million anonymous messages posted on Twitter. These tweets were found to reflect strong patterns ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Will ketamine treat your depression? Check your activity monitor

During a depressive episode, people often report having reduced energy, feeling slowed down and having reduced interest in activities. As their mood lifts, energy and activity return to their usual levels. A new study in ...

Medical research

Delayed meal times reset body clocks

The human body runs according to a roughly 24-hour cycle, controlled by a "master" clock in the brain and peripheral clocks in other parts of the body that are synchronized according to external cues, including light. Now, ...

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