
How much alcohol is really OK?

(HealthDay)—All the good news/bad news studies about alcohol can leave you confused. But research suggests that you still need to keep moderation in mind when you raise a glass.


Older adults' lungs remain strong during exercise

Highly active older adults experience no limitations in the lungs' capacity to exchange gases (lung-diffusing capacity) during physical activity, researchers have found. The study is published in the Journal of Applied Physiology.


Healthcare providers should individualize patient education

Effective patient education includes more than brochures and written patient information. It should be tailored to a patient's ability to understand recommendations to help them manage their health and control their risk ...

Medical research

Healing wounds with cell therapy

Diabetic patients frequently have lesions on their feet that are very difficult to heal due to poor blood circulation. In cases of serious non-healing infections, a decision to amputate could be made. A new therapeutic approach, ...


A guide to coping with corns and calluses

(HealthDay)—Corns and calluses are sometimes painful areas of thickened skin that develop on the feet due to repeated rubbing or pressure.

Medical research

Regenerative bandage heals diabetic wounds faster

At some point in their lives, 15 percent of people with diabetes will develop a painful and hard-to-treat foot ulcer. Twenty-four percent of those affected will require a lower-leg amputation because of it. And, in some instances, ...

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