
A mobile app to discover green routes and promote healthy aging

The aim of the citizen science project Every Walk You Take, promoted by a team from the University of Barcelona, is to promote active and healthy aging of citizens through a new mobile application that shows walking routes ...


Medicare is overpaying for generic drugs: Study

Medicare is the single largest provider of health insurance in the United States, serving 63.8 million senior citizens as of 2022. Three-quarters of these recipients are enrolled in optional Medicare Part D plans, which provide ...

Medical economics

What long-term care looks like around the world

Around the world, wealthy countries are struggling to afford long-term care for rapidly aging populations. Most spend more than the United States through government funding or insurance that individuals are legally required ...

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Citizenship is the state of being a citizen of a particular social, political, national, or human resource community. Citizenship status, under social contract theory, carries with it both rights and responsibilities. Citizenship was equated by Virginia Leary (1999) as connoting "a bundle of rights -- primarily, political participation in the life of the community, the right to vote, and the right to receive certain protection from the community, as well as obligations." The group of all citizens is the citizenry.

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