
Exploring the dynamics of combating market-driven epidemics

A case definition of market-driven epidemics (MDEs) could help address critical barriers to timely, effective prevention and mitigation, according to a study published this week in PLOS Global Public Health by Jonathan Quick ...


Washington pledges funds for pandemic prevention

The United States will contribute some $667 million to a fund designed to finance investments in pandemic preparedness, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen announced Wednesday.


Pandemic agreement talks come to the crunch

Countries trying to thrash out a global agreement on handling future pandemics are hoping to seal the deal Friday after weeks of creeping progress in exhausting talks.

Psychology & Psychiatry

AI faces look more real than actual human face: Study

White faces generated by artificial intelligence (AI) now appear more real than human faces, according to new research led by experts at The Australian National University (ANU).


PFAS remain a concern for hormone health, scientists conclude

At this critical junction for EU chemicals legislation, the independent scientific voice took center stage at the 5th Annual Forum on Endocrine Disruptors. Together with an impressive number of concerned stakeholders, they ...


S.Africa to roll out vaginal rings to fight HIV scourge

A "revolutionary" vaginal ring to prevent HIV is soon to be rolled out in South Africa—which has the largest epidemic of the virus in the world, a global financing partnership said on Friday.

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