Psychology & Psychiatry

Stress and anger may exacerbate heart failure

Mental stress and anger may have clinical implications for patients with heart failure according to a new report published in the Journal of Cardiac Failure.


Treating mental health in the time of coronavirus

When Peter Tuerk began his new role as director of the Sheila C. Johnson Center for Clinical Services in 2018, integrating data and technology into the center's clinical training and services was a core part of his vision.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Virus takes toll on mental health of Europe's medics

Steve, a paramedic in northeast England, contracted the coronavirus two months ago. Then his wife fell ill. Both recovered but throughout they were concerned about passing it on to their two young sons.


Binge drinkers beware, drunkorexia is calling

Mojito, appletini or a simple glass of fizz—they may take the edge off a busy day, but if you find yourself bingeing on more than a few, you could be putting your physical and mental health at risk according new research ...

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