Psychology & Psychiatry

Good health helps grades when students hit puberty

Good health helps children with stressful transitions from elementary school to middle school, finds a new study in the Journal of Adolescent Health. Students with chronic conditions such as asthma, obesity, learning disabilities, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

A new view of the world

New research out of Queen's University has shed light on how exercise and relaxation activities like yoga can positively impact people with social anxiety disorders.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Meditation benefits patients with ALS

An eight-week mindfulness-based meditation program led to improved quality of life and psychological well-being in clinical trial of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

Psychology & Psychiatry

Traumatic consequences long after fall of the Berlin Wall

Previously, there had been a lack of reliable data in Germany on the long-term psychological consequences of political imprisonment in the GDR. Professor Andreas Maercker, Head of the Department of Psychopathology and Clinical ...

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