
FDA approves cablivi for rare blood-clotting disorder

(HealthDay)—Cablivi (caplacizumab-yhdp) injection has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat adults with acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (aTTP).


Diagnostic device can prevent strokes and heart attacks

A team of engineers and biochemists at ANU has invented and trialled a bio-optics diagnostic device that can reveal the formation of blood clots and help doctors to identify patients at imminent risk of having a stroke or ...


Experimental antiplatelet compound for acute stroke shows promise

An experimental antiplatelet compound inhibited clot formation without increasing bleeding, a common and potentially dangerous side effect of current anticlotting therapies, according to new phase I research in Arteriosclerosis, ...

Medical research

Team delivers breakthrough 'nanobody' technology

Researchers led by Professor Steve Watson and Dr. Eleyna Martin from the Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences at the University of Birmingham have delivered a breakthrough for thrombosis researchers, by producing the first ...

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