
How much fat do you really need?

(HealthDay)—With all the attention that the very high-fat Keto diet is getting, you might be wondering how much fat is healthy and how much your body really needs every day to thrive.


Eating almonds and dark chocolate lowers bad cholesterol

Eating nearly one-third a cup of almonds a day—either alone or combined with almost one-quarter cup of dark chocolate and 2 1/3 tablespoons of cocoa a day—may reduce a risk factor for coronary heart disease, according ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Cocoa flavanols boost brain oxygenation, cognition in healthy adults

The brains of healthy adults recovered faster from a mild vascular challenge and performed better on complex tests if the participants consumed cocoa flavanols beforehand, researchers report in the journal Scientific Reports. ...


Cocoa flavanols may boost memory in older people

A clinical trial has shown that in older people, a diet supplemented with cocoa flavanols– naturally occurring compounds found in cocoa beans—may improve performance on a specific memory task. The study is published on ...


Cocoa: A tasty source of vitamin D?

Many people do not get enough vitamin D. Brittle bones and an increased risk of respiratory diseases can be the result of a vitamin D deficiency. A research group at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) and the ...

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Cocoa may refer to:

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