Psychology & Psychiatry

Scents might help depressed individuals, new study says

Smelling a familiar scent can help depressed individuals recall specific autobiographical memories and potentially assist in their recovery, discovered a team of University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine researchers and ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

People wrongly believe their friends will protect them from COVID-19

People may feel less vulnerable and take fewer safety precautions about COVID-19 when they are with, or even just think about, their friends instead of acquaintances or strangers, according to research published by the American ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

'Early warning' tool for hard-to-heal leg wounds

Some 500,000 Australians live with the daily burden of a wound that does not heal, but a risk assessment tool that provides an 'early warning' of which venous leg ulcer wounds need specialised treatment has been developed ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Navigating 'Neuralville': Virtual town helps map brain functions

Psychologists at Emory University have found that the human brain uses three distinct systems to perceive our environment—one for recognizing a place, another for navigating through that place and a third for navigating ...


Colleges find sleep is key to grade average

As U.S. college students return to campus in the coming weeks, they'll be showered in the usual handouts of coupons, condoms and credit cards. But some schools are also giving students what a growing body of research reveals ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Dutch gamble on 'intelligent lockdown' to beat coronavirus

The shops are open and families cycle along in the sunny spring weather in the Netherlands, which has opted for what it calls an "intelligent lockdown" to curb the coronavirus pandemic.

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