
Could eating garlic reduce aging-related memory problems?

Consuming garlic helps counteract age-related changes in gut bacteria associated with memory problems, according to a new study conducted with mice. The benefit comes from allyl sulfide, a compound in garlic known for its ...


Eating chocolate improves cognitive function, study finds

People who ate chocolate at least once a week performed better on multiple cognitive tasks, compared to those who ate chocolate less frequently, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Maine, University ...


Regular napping linked to larger brain volume

Daytime napping may help to preserve brain health by slowing the rate at which our brains shrink as we age, suggests a new study led by researchers at UCL and the University of the Republic in Uruguay.


Lutein may have role in brain health

Researchers have known for a while that getting enough lutein in your diet seems to be a good thing for eye health; people who consume more of this deep yellow pigment found in dark green leafy vegetables and brightly colored ...

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