
How the brain strings words into sentences

(Medical Xpress) -- Distinct neural pathways are important for different aspects of language processing, researchers have discovered, studying patients with language impairments caused by neurodegenerative diseases.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Logic fights impulse in economic decision-making

Money can make people act crazy, but there is a small group of people that act more rationally than most, and this behavior may be due to their high "cognitive control," according to a new study being published in the Nov. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Computerized anxiety therapy found helpful in small trial

A small clinical trial suggests that cognitive bias modification (CBM), a potential anxiety therapy that is delivered entirely on a computer, may be about as effective as in-person therapy or drugs for treating social anxiety ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Falls, eye test may give clues to Alzheimer's

(AP) -- Scientists in Australia are reporting encouraging early results from a simple eye test they hope will give a noninvasive way to detect signs of Alzheimer's disease.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Anxious searchers miss multiple objects

A person scanning baggage or X-rays stands a better chance of seeing everything they're searching for if they aren't feeling anxious, according to a new laboratory experiment.

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