Psychology & Psychiatry

Overcoming bias about music takes work

Expectations and biases play a large role in our experiences. This has been demonstrated in studies involving art, wine and even soda. In 2007, Joshua Bell, an internationally acclaimed musician, illustrated the role context ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study says empathy plays a key role in moral judgments

Is it permissible to harm one to save many? Those who tend to say "yes" when faced with this classic dilemma are likely to be deficient in a specific kind of empathy, according to a report published in the scientific journal ...


New study focuses on improving cognitive symptoms of lupus

A National Jewish Health led study recently published in Lupus finds that technology using video game-based cognitive therapy improves attention and executive functioning in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).


The aging brain benefits from distraction

As you age, you may find it more difficult to focus on certain tasks. But while distractions can be frustrating, they may not be as bad as we think. In a review published November 15 in Trends in Cognitive Sciences, researchers ...

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