Psychology & Psychiatry

Does aging affect decision making?

Aging is associated with significant decline in cognitive functions. But does this translate into poorer decision making? Psychologists from the University of Basel and the Max Planck Institute for Human Development report ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Early motor skills may affect language development

Learning to sit up, crawl and walk are all major milestones in a child's early development – and parents often record these actions in baby diaries, photographs and videos. Developing motor skills allows the child to become ...


Epigenetic marks lay foundations for a child's future abilities

Although it is now widely recognized that a poor start to life has long-term effects on a child's later ability to learn, the mechanisms by which the environment in early life affects later life chances are poorly understood.


Many things can be read in a newborn's gaze

Experienced nannies and doctors have always known how much the visual contact with a newborn can convey. A recent Finnish study provides scientific evidence for this everyday belief. A study performed in the University of ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How the mind processes complex spatial information

Northwestern University's David H. Uttal will discuss a program that has enhanced students' learning at a variety of levels, from basic spatial reasoning to solving complex problems involving the coordination of numerous ...

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