
Research to unlock study doping facts

Is the use of so-called 'study drugs' among tertiary students as common as depicted, or is it a subject of exaggeration?


The rise of cognitive enhancers is a mass social experiment

Want to sign up for a massive human experiment? Too late. You're already a lab rat. There was no ethics approval or informed consent. You weren't asked, you never signed up, and now there's no easy way to opt out.


Regulate brain boosting devices so everyone can have a go

Gamers around the world are snapping up a new device that promises to give them an edge on competitors by boosting their gaming focus. It is certainly easy to see the appeal of being able to improve your levels of attention ...


Physicians should not prescribe ADD drugs to healthy people

Physicians in Canada should consider refusing to prescribe cognitive enhancement medications—also used to treat attention deficit disorder (ADD)—to healthy patients, states an analysis article in CMAJ (Canadian Medical ...

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